Monday, September 8, 2008

Tired . . . .

I'm tired.  School these past few weeks have been interesting and intense because I got so used to NOT being in school but overall I am enjoying the classes and at the same time I am wondering if I will ever be done.  I really should have just stuck to it out of High School and things would be different but you can't change the past so no point in dwelling on it.  I am also doing a Boot camp work out that starts at 5:00am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and those that really know me know I am NOT a morning person - so needless to say the 4:30 alarm chime is not a welcome friend.  To many things to do and not enough time but all there really is to do is to keep going.  So . . . . time for a random fact about Mia quiz - - - - Of these three things 2 are true and 1 is not - - - - do you know which is which . . .
1 - The movie Thirteen going on 30 makes me cry . . .
2 - I harbor a secret desire to be a Limo driver . . . 
3 - I love gardening . . .   


Uno said...

Good post...I am in your boot camp with you....And it is true...You are NOT, I repeat...NOT a morning person. In fact, Mason and you are very similar...You cry a lot when you wake up. About the Quiz...I know that you would like to be a Limo driver and also I know that you Cry when you watch 13 going on 30 so I will stick with those Two..

Much Love


Wendy said...

I'm with Uno, (not about the morning person thing, I can't really say anything about that, I don't know...) but I am guessing that you don't like to garden. AND...I watched 13 going on 30 yesterday right after I watched some Alias. (Yes, that is my new addiction, I have been totally sucked in!)
Stick it out girl, you're wonder-woman, what is a little boot camp and school? Nothing to you!

Michelle said...

Hello Mia, I am sorry school has been intense,trust me I totally know how you feel, I thought I would never see the light at the end of the tunnel! But it comes, so hold on:) About the quiz I think 1 and 2 are true and due to what you told me on Sunday I think your mom loves to Garden but you dont so much.... But you did say that doing the Flowers at Weddings was your favorite... I dont know I am going to stick to 1 and 2 are true! Have a good day! You are Awesome:)

Zar said...

yo pienso que no sos garden person, y el movie es el tipo de movies que te gustan y limo bueno todos tenemos sueños locos so dos y uno pero definitivamento no sos 3.


Uno said...


marcos alvin said...

i could've sworn you were a morning person...


Wendy said...

Someday...can I be a part of your blog roll? Maybe even just for a little while? I know maybe you don't want people to see what I write on my blog so I understand if you are ashamed and don't want me on there. Here's to hopin'?

marcos alvin said...

ouch mia...
no wendy on your list of fantastic blogs?
work on that will you?